




I had book reading and signing today at a shopping centre nearby. It was a wet day, but loads of people turned up! Most of kids were pretty young, so I expected it to be a bit noisy though, everyone listened to me really really well! Well done, kids! Kids love picture books, that's for sure.

My old friends and school mates and my aunty and uncle came for me too. It was great to see them!
高校の同級生がくれたチョコクッキーとブラウニー。めちゃうま。My school mate made these choc cookies and brownies! Absolutely beautiful! She already had two kids, and seemed very happy together with her husband.


そして今日の大ヒットはコレ!And this was the loveliest of the day!

みきちゃんという子が作ってくれたというミキドナルド(笑)本人とはあえなかったので残念ですが、ものすごくうれしかったです。かわい〜。A kid called Miki made these Origami MikiDonald. It was a shame I couldn't see her in person though. ( apparently she got tired before the event started :-)

たくさんの方にとってもしあわせな気分にさせてもらって、よい日でした。ザ・リブレットさま、モレラの方々にもよくしてもらって、ありがとうございました!I had a fabulous time today. Thank you, everyone for turning up!