

行ってきました、念願だった掛川花鳥園!!目的は猛禽類(タカとかワシとかフクロウとか)I went to a theme park in Shizuoka prefecture yesterday. This is a place features birds and flowers from around the world.

かぁっっっっっっこいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいいい!!大感動。こんな間近でフクロウを拝めるとは!I found out about this place while I was looking up some photos of owl, when I was making my previous book, "Fly away, the three duckling brothers!" Since then I always wanted to go there and see the real owls. I think they are the coolest birds...!!
オオフクロウのくるみちゃん。愛くるしい〜。This one was my favourite. I love her walnut coloured feathers. She's actually called "Kurumi", or walnut in English.
威厳たっぷりのカラフトフクロウさま。見つめられると理由なしにあやまりたくなる。An owl with dignity. I'm sure this one knows everything.
後ろ向き〜。ボーーーーーーーーッ。Have you seen a peacock butt? If not, there you go!