ディランは、自分の曲を譜面通りに歌わないとか、昔の曲も全てアレンジしすぎてるので歌詞を聞かないと何の曲か分からない、ということは友人からきいて 知っていたのですが、ほんっとーに、ちがう曲やんか!とツッコミたくなるくらい原型なし。とはいえ、68で2時間MCゼロで歌い続けるってすごいと思います。
I went to Bob Dylan's gig at Zepp Nagoya last night!
I managed to get the ticket in Jan, but quite a few people were hanging round the venue asking for unwanted tickets. I guess every one was feeling this could be one of his last tours in Japan!
My friend told me that Dylan never follows his original music, and so it's difficult to recognise what he's singing, I thought "No way! I'm sure he'll sing alright" though, it was true! His performance was far from the original pieces! I was a bit shocked. But well... he's 68 and has probably played the popular pieces thousands of times. I understand he wants changes.
Still, I wanted to hear what I was listening to!
But still... It was special to see Dylan that close, and he called us "friends"! :-)