I've got bloodshot eyes since yesterday.
目が疲れているらしいんだけど、それほど目に悪いことをしたつもりもないのにな〜。やはり一ヶ月くらいしっかりした休みをとらなかったので、溜まった疲れが出てきたのかしら。I guess it's because I haven't had a proper day off for about a month. But this month, I haven't really worked on the computer that much though.
そういえばインドをブラブラしていた時、ケララ地方の漁師で、白目に赤インクをたらしたみたいに、真っ赤っかでかなり怖い目をした人がいた。It reminded me of a fisherman in Kerara district of India. Literally he looked as though he dropped some red ink into his eyes. He had the reddest eyes I'd ever seen! Anyway, I wouldn't want an eye like his.
私もああなる前に目を休めるとしよう・・・な〜んて思っていたら、今日は久しぶりに休みをとって、同僚とカラオケに行くんだった。う〜〜〜〜ん、ますます充血しちゃうかも!?I really should get some rest today....but I'm going to Karaoke with my colleagues! Mmmm...are my eyes going to get even redder later on? Hope not!