

今日は、9月2日発売の新作絵本「とべ とべ あひるの3きょうだい」を置いて頂く書店さんで使ってもらうための手描きのポップをたくさん描きました。
I made about a dozen of small adverts for my latest book, "Fly away 3 duckling brothers".(I'm afraid there is no English version of this book.I just translated the Japanese title.) You get to see those adverts in bookshops in Japan. Hundreds of books get published here every year. To stand out in the pile, bookshops put these hand-made adverts to attract people. Some how this kind of advert is called P.O.P.here. It stands for "point of purchase".

The big POP on the left is for my local bookshop. post card size is average though, I'm grateful this bookshop spends so much space for my books! Thank you!

「とべ とべ〜」を記念したフリーペーパーも作ったし、準備万端です!一生懸命作った絵本なので、できるだけたくさんの方に知って頂いて、楽しんで頂けたら、し〜あ〜わ〜せ〜なのデス。
I made news letters to hand out in bookshops too. I do all these business things simply because I put so much passion into this latest book, so I want more people to enjoy it!