
不思議な巡り会い / accidental reunions


1 ロンドンで偶然出会った子の親戚が、うちの母と知り合いだった。
2 インドの夜行列車でたまたま話していたインドの女の子と私には、ロンドンに共通の友達がいた。
3 友達の結婚式で席が一緒だった人のお母さんの故郷が私の隣町だった。(結婚会場は四国)


I've had unbelievable reunion or meeting so far. I'll list up a few major ones here.

1 A girl I met in London had a relative in my hometown back in Japan. And what's more, my mum had known
her for quite a while.
2 When I was traveling in India. I was talking to a local Indian girl, and we found out that we had a mutual
friend in London!
3 I went to my friend's wedding. Someone at the same table had a relative very close to my home.

What's even more...
I bumped into an old friend after 20 something years the other day. So we went for tea to catch up today. Then we ran into another former classmate after the same length of time...Isn't this amazing???