
インスピレーション♪ / the sourse of Inspiration

仕事場の雰囲気って大切。今は和室なので、なんだか壁の質感とおもちゃコレクションに微妙なギャップがあるのですが、これはこれで、ヨーロッパ・イン・ジャパンな感じでいいかも?It's quite important to have a good work space. Since I moved back in my parents' house, I've lived in this Japanese style room. It's a bit odd to see all those European goods in this room, but I guess this is a kind of West meets East? 自分でつくったおもちゃも展示。These are what I made in uni.


サイト情報 / My images on a blog

イギリスの出版社のデザイナーさんが、趣味で(?)やってるサイトに私のスケッチを載っけてもらいました〜。他のイラストレーターさんのラフスケッチはかなりおもしろいです。なかなか同業者のスケッチブックの中って見る機会ないので、参考になりますね。向こうの出版社のパーティーで会ったことがある人もいます。その人たちのその後の活動が見られるのもうれしい。毎週月曜日更新のはずです。私はエントリー#19デス。ココをクリック! A great blog run by a designer at Random House now has some of my images. It's fascinating to see other illustrator's sketches. Illustrators are usually individual, so we don't get to see each other's sketchbooks. I think it's a fantastic idea to have this space for everyone. This blog is updated every Mon. My images are #19. Click here to see the blog


ドラえもんの道具 / Tools of the future



今日初めて宮部みゆきさんの小説を買ってみました。ミステリーはあんまり読まないので、冒険です。今夜ふとんの中で読むのが楽しみダ。It's already the end of Sep! Isn't it a bit too quick? Just about a few days ago, we were hit by summery heat here though it's cool and wet today. I guess today's the borderline of the two seasons. I have much to do in Oct as well. I have to finish a book for a UK publisher asap. Not just quickly, but it has to be a fine job! There's comic called "Doraemon" in Japan. It's about a robot who has many futuristic tools to help a lazy kid called "Nobita". I wish I had one of Doraemon's tools to stop the time, or a time machine!Now I should stop talking nonsense and start to face to the task of the day! :-)


えほん劇場へいらっしゃい / Welcome to my Book Theatre

小さい子が多かったのですが、みんな最後まで静かにお話に聞き入ってくれて、とってもうれしかった!おこしくださった方、ありがとうございました。たのしかったです。I had a book reading today at a library. I named my book reading event "Kanako Usui's Book Theatre", as I act out the story rather than just reading it. Most of the kids were toddlers though they listened to me really well! Very impressed!

大垣ケーブルテレビの方も来てくださいました。チラッとしか映らないだろうと思っていたのですが、今度自宅でインタビューまでして頂けることになり、びっくり玉手箱です!わ〜、ありがたい。自分の作品について話を聞いてもらえるって、しあわせです。Also a local TV staff came to film the event. I didn't expect it to be broadcast for long, but they are actually going to come to my studio to interview me. I'm such a lucky person to have an opportunity to talk about my own work! Really grateful.



27日、日曜日に大垣市アクアウォーク内にある図書館で、「うすいかなこのえほん劇場」なるものを開きまっす!(2時から)小学6年生までのお子さん+保護者さんペア対象です。お近くにお住まいの方は、ぜひ遊びにきてくださいね〜。大垣のケーブルテレビも来てくれるようです。テレビに映るのは一瞬だと思いますけどね!ヨロシクお願いします。I'm giving another book reading at a library in my local shopping centre. Apparently local cable TV's going to film the event. I'm sure the broadcast will be just for seconds though!

井上雄彦さん特集だったNHKのテレビ番組「プロフェッショナル」の再放送みました!旅行先で!あの人の仕事への姿勢に、尋常でない気迫と覚悟を感じました。すごく揺さぶられた。究極に眠かったけど、がんばって観てよかった!I watched a repeat of a TV programme, "The Professionals" which I'd missed a week before. It was about Takehiko Inoue, a comic artist who's famous for "Slum dunk". I was stunned by his amazing attitude to his work. I'm glad I watched it though it was on quite late at night!

ラフラフラフ! / Roughs for a book

ずーーーーーーーーーーーーっとだらだら続けているイギリスとの絵本の仕事。いかん、このままでは納得のいく本にならない。納得できない仕事をすると後でものすごいがっくりきそう。それだけはイヤー!ここが踏ん張りどころなのダ。本文の最終原稿はほとんどできているのですが、肝心要の表紙と、タイトルページのラフがまだできとらん。そして、アイデアを出してはボツ・ボツ・ボツの連続記録更新中。うーーーーーーーーーーーーーん、まさにこの絵の女の子のポーズがしばらく続きそうです。でもがんばろう!The book I've been working on might still take some time before finished. I've done most of the artworks, but I haven't done the roughs of some key pages yet. I have to be content with my work, otherwise I'd regret afterwards! I don't like when I don't like my own work, so I must get these roughs done quickly, but satisfyingly.I think I've been posing just like this girl in the picture for about a day and a half so far, and will probably continue today as well!



歩く父。歩く娘を母が激写。この日の清水さんは、いつも以上に人が多かった。清水さん大人気。The back of my dad and myself, photographed by mum. Kiyomizu dera temple is always busy, but it was even busier this day.
龍安寺はマイナスイオンにあふれている。しばしボーッとなる。しかし枯山水エリアは工事中なり。庭の3分の一は見えなかったし、足場でとてもじゃないけど風流とはかけ離れた姿だった。これでも500円とりますか。枯山水なら東福寺へ!Ryoanji temple is surrounded by so much green! Love all those moss under the gentle sunlight. But the rock garden was under renovation, and scaffolding was destroying the beauty of it!They still charged the full fee to entre. Mmm! annoying! I recommend Tofukuji temple for the rock garden.

大阪アンド京都 / Osaka & Kyoto

イベントは、3バンドによる対バンイベント。3時間の野外ライブでした。最初の方がめちゃくちゃ暑かったので、終わったらクタクタ。そしてさらに夕飯を求めて大阪の夜をブラブラ2時間。よく寝れました(笑)Between Sunday and Wednesday, it was national holiday in Japan. I went to Osaka for a rock event, and stayed in Kyoto for two nights with my parents. The event lasted for 3 hours. I was so tired after jumping round! It was great fun though.

京都は、海外の友達のガイドとかで、一年だけで5回くらい?行っていて、毎回2泊〜4泊しているので、かなり身近な感じ。でもまだまだ発掘したいところがたくさんあるのよね、この街。Then the next day, went to Kyoto. I've been to Kyoto for about 5 times so far within a year, because of my oversea friends. I'm getting to know some parts of this historic city, but there is still so much to discover!
京都芸術センター。廃校になった私立の洋館建ての小学校を改装。すてきなカフェや、アート系図書館など。くつろぎのスペースです。教室の一室では、劇団が練習してました。そしてシルバーウィークだったので、無料ライブも。昨日はボサノヴァ、おとといはジャズでした。オススメ。This is Kyoto Art Centre. The building used to be a primary school. There is a lovely cafe in here. We were lucky to get there when a free music session was held. I recommend this place for someone seeking difference.

大阪での一番の思い出はこのサイズ差!デカッ!ちっちゃ!Saw these doggies in Osaka. A good example of BIG and SMALL.


シルバーウィーク/ The week called "silver"

何をするかと言うと〜、大阪までライブに行ってきます!た〜のしみだなー。大阪城の野音だそうで。大阪城も初めてなので、ブラブラしてこよう。Tomorrow's my birthday! What am I going to do? I'm going to my favourite band's gig in Osaka. I can't wait!

Then I'll be off to Kyoto to meet up with my parents. My mum hasn't been to Kiyomizu temple for over 40 years. That's a bit too sad, so we decided to go there. I went to Kyoto at least 4 times in a year. I've got to know quite a bit, I think. But what's great about Kyoto is that there's always something new every time I visit there. I wonder what my new discovery will be this time!

数日ブログは更新できないかもしれませんが、思い出話は持って帰ってきます。では!I don't think i can update this blog till Thur though, I'll bring back photos and stuff!

プレゼント / Birthday present

この前ポストを開けるとイギリスからの郵便物。私がロンドンの父母のように慕っている、しかも私の4コマ「ロンドン劇場」に多数ご出演のマイクさんとキャサリンさんから。あ〜り〜が〜と〜(涙・会いたい)I guess everybody likes getting Birthday presents! I got these books from Mike & Kathryn who were like my guardians in London. I'm so happy to get an English copy of "Where The Wild Things are".

下の「かいじゅうたちのいるところ」は、モーリス・センダック。うれしい!上はイギリスを代表するクエンティン・ブレイクが絵を担当したもの。クエンティン・ブレイクは一度、私の大学で講義をしてくれました。若気の至りからコワイモノ知らずだった私は、確かクエンティンにちょっと反論してムッとさせてしまった覚えが(笑)悪気はなかったんだけどー。ごめんね。Quentin Blake gave a speech at my uni once. I remember I asked him something about his style, and I think he didn't like my opinion. I didn't mean to be rude though. The question was a bit too direct maybe?

でも彼が挿絵を担当したロアルド・ダールの本は、私が初めて英語で読んだ本なので思い出深いです。日本語訳は読んだことないので分かりませんが、宮崎駿さんもファンみたい。シニカルでおもしろいので、大人も楽しめますよ。I absolutely love Quentin Blake's work in Roald Dahl's books. Those books were first English books I ever read. I can't think of Dahl's stories without Blake's illustration!


ブックトラスト新人賞 / Book Trust

2005年だったか2006年だったか忘れましたが、イギリスで出版した「The Fantastic Mr.Wani」(邦題・はしれワニくん)がブックトラストの新人賞をとったことがあります。Once upon a time, a long long time ago, I forgot if it was 2005 or 2006, anyway I won The Book Trust's emerging illustrator award.

たぶんその関係だと思うのですが、今日今月23日に行われる2009年ブックトラスト絵本賞の授賞式の招待状がきました。ぜひ行きたい。行きたいな〜。でも場所は地球の反対側だ。どこでもドア欲しい。今回の新人賞候補は、一番下にある6冊。どれもおもしろそうな感じ。またイギリス行くことあったらチェックしてみよう。Today I got an invitation to this year's ceremony which would be held on 23rd of this month. I love to go. I really do. All the books listed look very nice. But the problem is that I'm about 6000km away from the land!! Mmm...The 6 titles of the emerging illustrators look especially nice. I'll check them out when I have a chance to travel there again!



カラス音頭 / Ravens

おんぷ Musical notes
たぶんケンカ中 Probably in the middle of an argument


The songwriters

NHKの「The Songwriters」は、すんばらしい。


さだまさしの回、観たかったな。さだ君は確かによくしゃべるおじさんだけど、彼の書いた詩は良すぎ。ロンドン時代、「案山子(かかし)」には何度も 泣かされたし、うちの母は「秋桜(コスモス)」を聴くと自分が嫁に出て行った時の思い出と、私が嫁に出て行く「妄想」が重なって泣けるそうです。

来週再来週で終わり。最後のゲストはDragon AshのKJだそうな。ヒゲのクリーン度が気になって仕方がない人物だ。どんな剃り方をしたらああなるのか。でもこの番組では、ヒゲのことは語ってくれないだろうな。Dragon Ashはあんまり知らないけど、KJもエレファントカシマシ好きな感じなので観れたら観よう。宮本さんにこの番組に出てみてほしいけど、30分じゃとても足りないし、まず番組が成立しないだろうな〜!(笑)There's a fab TV programme called "The songwriters" on NHK Japan. Motoharu Sano, a Bob Dylan looking artist with a hint of Japanese, invites an artist to his old uni, and talks about the lyrics and music. If you get a chance, do check out on youtube.

マカフシギ!巡り会い / Another amazing reunion

そうなんです、巡り会い。こんな言葉があるから人生やめられんのです。8月30日にも書いてますが、なんかまたすごいことがありました。I just love when I happen to have an unexpected reunion! I wrote about three top "reunions" of my life back on 30th Aug.though, a similar thing happened again!

昨日の「おおきな木」さんでえほん劇場が終わった後、サイン会をしている時に近づいてきた1人のご夫人。満面の笑みで近づいて見えたので、うれしくなって笑い返していたら「お久しぶりです」と一言。え??なになに?知り合い?どっかで見たことある気がするけど、さっぱり分からない!少しヒントを出してもらって・・・もしかして、もしかして!小学1、2年の時の担任の水野先生?!となったわけです。It was yesterday After I finished reading my books and when I was book signing. A middle-aged, but refined lady approached me smiling. I smiled back and she said "It's been a long time." mmm!!!??? Have I met you? I sort of recognise your face, but do give me some clues! I put the clues together and figured out she was my ex primary school teacher! I hadn't met her for over 23 years! She came to the book reading after finding my article on the newspaper.


I was in touch with her up to a few years ago, but since she moved, I couldn't get in touch with her. It was amazing to reunite with her after such a long time. I'm so happy that we can write each other again. I met new people and people from my past, and also I met one of my dad's colleagues yesterday. It was truly a special day of my life!


えほん劇場 / Book reading

岐阜市伊奈波通(いなばどおり)にある絵本と童話のお店「おおきな木」さんで、えほん劇場を開かせて頂きました。えほん劇場っていうと大げさですが、要は おはなし会デス。絵本専門店さんでやらせて頂くのは初めて!わくわくしながら行きました〜。I had a book reading today at a children's book specialist, "Ookinaki" in Gifu city. I was so excited, cos it was my first ever event at a bookshop.

やっぱり自分で何ヶ月 もかかって作るお話なので、読み語るとついつい感情移入してしまいます。特に「とべとべあひるの3きょうだい」は、3兄弟の飛びたい気持ちにシンクロして しまって、泣きそうになってしまふ。でも3冊の中で一番イベント映えするのは「はしれワニくん」のようです。絵がデカイので、インパクトがあるんでしょう か、イベント後にワニくんを購入される方が多いんですよね!「とべとべ〜」は、ゆっくり眺めるうちに前に見えなかったキャラが見えてきたりする「じっくり コトコト煮込む派」なので、もしよかったらお子さんをちょこんとおひざに乗っけて読み語ってやってくださいね〜。I think it's natural cos I spend a long time on writing the stories though, I tend to empathise with my own stories. Especially when I read my latest book about three duckling brothers longing to fly, I get quite emotional!! "The Fantastic Mr.Wani" is proved to be popular at those events. Is it because the pictures are more dynamic than other books of mine?Anyway, "Ookinaki" is a fantastic place to spend an afternoon with your kids choosing a book of the day. If you get a chance to come near, please do give a visit.



とべとべあひるの3きょうだい / The latest book's out now

「もうすぐ もうすぐ」と言っている間に、発売日が過ぎてました!(笑)発売前がいちばんわくわくしていて、わくわくしすぎてコロッと忘れた、みたいな感じです。よくあることですよね。(私だけ?)とにかく!!がんばって作ったので、ぜひ本屋さんでチェックしてやってください。詳しい内容は、MENUにある「えほん」のページで。新刊発売に伴って、数カ所でフリーペーパー「うほうほつうしん」も置かせて頂いたのですが、部数が少なかったので、あまり見てもらえなかったかも!?せっかく作ったので下にのっけてみました。クリックすると大きくなります。
My latest book's now on sale in Japan. I put so much passion, emotion and energy into this, so if you get a chance, please have a look. For details, check out "BOOKS" in the MENU on the side bar. I also printed some hand outs to give away to people who bought my books. Please click the pics below to enlarge. (Sorry, the handout's only in Japanese!!!)



今朝の岐阜新聞 / Today's local newspaper

↑写真をクリックすると大きくなります。Click to enlarge.

今朝の岐阜新聞「県内版」に新刊「とべとべあひるの3きょうだい」の記事を載せて頂きました。岐阜新聞とってるよ〜という方は、ぜひご覧ください!先週金曜日に取材があったのですが、笑顔引きつってます!むふ。おはなし会の案内も載ってますので、よろしかったら来てくださいね〜。There's an article about my new book in a lcal newspaper called Gifu Shinbun today. I went there last Friday to get interviewed.


ゴヤの版画展 / Printmaking by Goya

ゴヤは美術科生だった高校の時、卒展で模写したくらい好きでした。あのくっら〜い「黒い絵」の連作のパワーとその反骨精神にドカーンとやられたわけです。そして黒い絵と同じくらい好きだったのが、戦争を題材にして描かれた銅版画のシリーズ。数年前にイギリスのアーティスト、チャップマン兄弟が買い取り、上から落書きして台無しにしたあのシリーズです。む〜ん、これに関しては思い出すだけでちょっとフツフツとしたもんがこみ上げてくるので置いとくとしましょう。I'm really looking forward to this exhibition, starting in a few days.I used to love Goya's black paintings when I was in high school. I was in the art department, so I even copied one of Goya's paintings for an exhibition once. I like the series of copper prints, The disaster of war as well. I still remember The Chapman brothers bought out all the prints and scribbled over them! Mmm...I get a bit upset by thinking about it

マドリッドのプラド美術館にも行ったし、今までに何度かゴヤのオリジナルとは対面しているんですが、まっさかこんな近くにきてくれるとは!9月11日から11月1日までだそうですよ〜。今月は無理かもしれないけど、来月絶対行くぞぅ!Anyway, while I was in Europe, I visited Prado museum and others to see original work of Goya. But I never expected his work to come so near! This exhibition lasts till 1st Nov. I'm a bit too busy this month, but I'd love to go there next month!


お初・鵜飼 / Cormorant fishing

岐阜に生まれ育った割に一度も長良川の鵜飼に行ったことがなかったので、「これはいかん!」と思い、昨日行って参りました!5時45分から鵜匠さんによる説明があり、6時15分に出発。15分くらいかけて、上流の方までゆらりんゆらりんゆられていくのは、「癒し」の一言につきる!6時半頃から7時半頃までは、止まった船の中でお弁当を食べます。観光所で「鵜飼弁当」かなんかあるだろうと思ったのですが、そんなステキなものは全くなく、しかたないのでファミマ弁当でした。ここはちょっと残念!でもお弁当用意してもそんなに売れるわけじゃないのかな〜。(しかし日曜だったからか、何十隻とあった船は満員でした)I always wanted to go to Ukai, comorant fishin, a traditional fishing method, but I hadn't had a chance till last night. Apparently there are 12 places practice Ukai fishing in Japan, but This one in Gifu is the only one that the skill of fishing is passed on only to their families. My friend and I got there around 6 and the boat left around 6:15. We had about 15 min ride before stopping at the shore. We had about an hour till Ukai started, so we had a bento box. Probably because it was Sun, all the boats were full of people! (There were at least 3 dozens of boats. )

※写真はクリックすると大きくなります。Click the photos to enlarge.

At 7:30 Ukai began.
In the torch light and under its reflection, cormorants were working very very hard. Apparently fishermen must build solid relationship with cormorants in order to make them work. Cormorants need to be trained at least for 3 years, and to become totally faithful to the fishermen, it can take as long as 10 or 15 years. I always thought that the torch light was to attract fish, but in fact that was to scare fish. When fish moves swiftly under the torch light , its scale shines so cormorants can catch them.

After the performance, we were again at the shore, and saw 6 fishing boats lining up. The long reflection of the light was just so fantastic. It was enough to sweep away all the bits of things happening in real life.

Now, cormorants get fed and can rest. Good job!


ライブ / A gig


I went to a gig in Nagoya on Friday night.
It was a gig by the owner of children's book specialist "Ookina ki". He usually holds event for children, and plays the guitar to sing Children's book stories. But this time, the gig was more for grown-ups.

I don't go to gigs that often though, when I go, the music's usually loud and people jump up and down. So it was quite new to me to sit and listen quietly. It was actually very nice and comfortable. Some songs were so funny, and others were moving. I had such a good time. I love to go to his event for kids next time.


くもの巣 / A spiderweb




I was picking up some Japanese gingers in the backyard the day before yesterday, when I thought I'd touched some kind of thread behind me. I looked up, and there I saw a massive spider's web!!

Well, it's normal to see some flies hooked up on spiderwebs, but I'd never seen a huge dragon fly entangled in it! I remember a TV programme on BBC about spiderweb. It was saying that the thread can be much stronger than a wire of the same thickness. That time, I thought "I won't believe it.", but today, after a few years I watched the programme, I was convinced that was true.

I've never liked spiders, but i do think it's an amazing living creature!


お月さんと高校生 / The moon and a high school kid




At dusk, I saw this moon escorted by the gradation of the sunset.
Actually this sight reminded me of my schoolhood. I used to be quite a difficult child (My mum confessed so!) who was writing sorrowful poems and sketching views every day. Now I express this moon "pretty" though, I would have found this sky rather sad being divided by the electric wires if I had seen this back in my schoolhood. I still have about a dozen of sketchbooks and notebooks of my poems. I guess it will be quite interesting to look back to this period though, I'm not brave enough! I'm sure the poems are a bit too much to me now. I'm a bit too positive for the poems :-) but those notebooks are definite treasures of my life.