
マカフシギ!巡り会い / Another amazing reunion

そうなんです、巡り会い。こんな言葉があるから人生やめられんのです。8月30日にも書いてますが、なんかまたすごいことがありました。I just love when I happen to have an unexpected reunion! I wrote about three top "reunions" of my life back on 30th Aug.though, a similar thing happened again!

昨日の「おおきな木」さんでえほん劇場が終わった後、サイン会をしている時に近づいてきた1人のご夫人。満面の笑みで近づいて見えたので、うれしくなって笑い返していたら「お久しぶりです」と一言。え??なになに?知り合い?どっかで見たことある気がするけど、さっぱり分からない!少しヒントを出してもらって・・・もしかして、もしかして!小学1、2年の時の担任の水野先生?!となったわけです。It was yesterday After I finished reading my books and when I was book signing. A middle-aged, but refined lady approached me smiling. I smiled back and she said "It's been a long time." mmm!!!??? Have I met you? I sort of recognise your face, but do give me some clues! I put the clues together and figured out she was my ex primary school teacher! I hadn't met her for over 23 years! She came to the book reading after finding my article on the newspaper.


I was in touch with her up to a few years ago, but since she moved, I couldn't get in touch with her. It was amazing to reunite with her after such a long time. I'm so happy that we can write each other again. I met new people and people from my past, and also I met one of my dad's colleagues yesterday. It was truly a special day of my life!