
シルバーウィーク/ The week called "silver"

何をするかと言うと〜、大阪までライブに行ってきます!た〜のしみだなー。大阪城の野音だそうで。大阪城も初めてなので、ブラブラしてこよう。Tomorrow's my birthday! What am I going to do? I'm going to my favourite band's gig in Osaka. I can't wait!

Then I'll be off to Kyoto to meet up with my parents. My mum hasn't been to Kiyomizu temple for over 40 years. That's a bit too sad, so we decided to go there. I went to Kyoto at least 4 times in a year. I've got to know quite a bit, I think. But what's great about Kyoto is that there's always something new every time I visit there. I wonder what my new discovery will be this time!

数日ブログは更新できないかもしれませんが、思い出話は持って帰ってきます。では!I don't think i can update this blog till Thur though, I'll bring back photos and stuff!