小さい子が多かったのですが、みんな最後まで静かにお話に聞き入ってくれて、とってもうれしかった!おこしくださった方、ありがとうございました。たのしかったです。I had a book reading today at a library. I named my book reading event "Kanako Usui's Book Theatre", as I act out the story rather than just reading it. Most of the kids were toddlers though they listened to me really well! Very impressed!
大垣ケーブルテレビの方も来てくださいました。チラッとしか映らないだろうと思っていたのですが、今度自宅でインタビューまでして頂けることになり、びっくり玉手箱です!わ〜、ありがたい。自分の作品について話を聞いてもらえるって、しあわせです。Also a local TV staff came to film the event. I didn't expect it to be broadcast for long, but they are actually going to come to my studio to interview me. I'm such a lucky person to have an opportunity to talk about my own work! Really grateful.